Writing a Business Plan by Sequoia
벌써 대학원 마지막 학기가 됐습니다. 졸업시험이나 기타 자격증 공부를 회사다니며 병행하기엔 쉽지 않은 것 같아요. 그래도 어찌저찌 여기까지 왔네요…
이번 학기에는 캡스톤 프로젝트를 듣게 됐고 지금까지 배운 내용들을 망각의 저편에서 모두 끄집어내야 할 것 같습니다..
원래 쓰려고 한 내용은 수업 중 교수님께서 Sequoia Capital이라는 벤처 투자회사의 사업 계획서 작성 방식을 소개해주시고 캡스톤 프로젝트를 준비하기 위해 활용하면 좋겠다고 하셔서 고민하다가 내용이 되게 좋고 앞으로도 도움이 많이 될 것 같아서 블로깅해봅니다.
이 원칙들?을 바탕으로 제 캡스톤 프로젝트의 주제와 방향성을 정하게 될 것 같네요.
Company purpose Define your company/business in a single declarative sentence.
Problem Describe the pain of your customer. How is this addressed today and what are the shortcomings to current solutions?
Solution Explain your eureka moment. Why is your value prop unique and compelling? Why will it endure? And where does it go from here?
Why now ? Why now? Why hasn’t your solution been built before now?
Market potential Identify your customer and your market. (Calculate the TAM, SAM, and SOM.)
Competition / alternatives Who are your direct and indirect competitors? Show that you have a plan to win.
Product Product line-up (For example, form factor, functionality, features, architecture, intellectual property, etc.)
Business model How do you intend to thrive? (For example - Revenue model, Pricing, Average account size and/or lifetime value, Sales and distribution model, Customer/ pipeline list, etc.)
Team Tell the story of your founders and key team members
Financials If you have any, please include. P&L, Balance sheet, Cash flow, Cap table, The deal…
Vision If all goes well, what will you have built in five years?